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How to send sessionID from soapui as a request

I am testing a webservice method which accepts session-id as a parameter.

While testing the same method via SoapUI with a dummy sessionID-Parameter, the server is rejecting the request as it is expecting proper session-id.

How can I solve this? Is there any way where SoapUI can bind the session-id before sending the request?

Please advice me. Thanks

Below is the sample-request which is triggered from SOAP-UI:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="">


  • Found the solution,

    • Design your login method which will accept certain inputs and will return the sessionID as a string

    • Hit that login method from SOAP-UI and you will get the sessionID in your response

    • Use "Property Transfer" option in soap-ui and transfer the received sessionID to all other requests

    Helpful Link :‌​tml

    Simple !! :)