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Capitalize a single 'char'acter in C#?

Is there a "simple" way to capitalize a single char-typed value?

This will work, but feels cumbersome and generally wrong:

var ch = 'a';
var cap = ("" + ch).ToUpper()[0];
cap.Dump(); // (in LINQPad) => 'A'


  1. The choice of "" + ch over ToString() is because ReSharper yells at me for not specifying a culture with the latter ... in any case, ch.ToString().ToUpper()[0] feels just as cumbersome.
  2. For the sake of globalization, just "adding 32" is not an option; I do not believe there is any single char that turns into a surrogate-pair when capitalized.



  • Char.ToUpper(ch)

    should do the job.