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Exception calling an axis2 webservice in EAR application deployed on WAS 7.0

We have deployed a few webservices using axis2 at those were implemented on a EAR project created with RAD 7.5.0 The EAR is deployed on a Websphere Application Server 7.0 app server. We have created a shared libraries on the server which includes all the common jars used (including the commons-fileupload-1.2.jar) named CommonsJar. In our unit tests using Tomcat Server 6.X.X (deploying only the WAR not the whole EAR), the application has a good functionality

The problem occurs when the app is deployed witihin WAS 7.0: when we instance the stub class of the webservice client witihin our Java EE client the WAS deliver the following excepction:

[4/26/12 20:35:31:742 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentException: org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException
[4/26/12 20:35:31:743 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.axis2.deployment.AxisConfigBuilder.processMessageBuilders(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:743 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.axis2.deployment.AxisConfigBuilder.populateConfig(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:743 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine.populateAxisConfiguration(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.axis2.deployment.FileSystemConfigurator.getAxisConfiguration(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContext(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at<init>(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.servlet.ExecuteAction.execute(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.AbstractExecuteAction.execute(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.struts.chain.commands.ActionCommandBase.execute(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.commons.chain.impl.ChainBase.execute(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:744 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.commons.chain.generic.LookupCommand.execute(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.commons.chain.impl.ChainBase.execute(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.struts.chain.ComposableRequestProcessor.process(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:745 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:746 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:746 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:746 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:746 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:746 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:746 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:746 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at$SSLReadCompletedCallback.complete(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:746 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:746 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:746 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:746 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:747 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:747 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at
[4/26/12 20:35:31:747 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at$
[4/26/12 20:35:31:747 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at$
[4/26/12 20:35:31:747 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException
[4/26/12 20:35:31:748 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at java.lang.J9VMInternals.verifyImpl(Native Method)
[4/26/12 20:35:31:748 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at java.lang.J9VMInternals.verify(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:748 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at java.lang.J9VMInternals.initialize(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:748 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at java.lang.J9VMInternals.newInstanceImpl(Native Method)
[4/26/12 20:35:31:748 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:748 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.axis2.deployment.DescriptionBuilder.processMessageBuilders(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:748 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.apache.axis2.deployment.AxisConfigBuilder.processMessageBuilders(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:748 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     ... 41 more
[4/26/12 20:35:31:748 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException
[4/26/12 20:35:31:749 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at java.lang.ClassNotFoundException.<init>(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:749 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.findClass(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:749 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.findClass(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:749 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.loadClass(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:750 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
[4/26/12 20:35:31:750 CDT] 00000026 SystemErr     R     ... 48 more

The configuration of our deployment.xml file looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <appdeployment:Deployment xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:appdeployment="" xmi:id="Deployment_1335376658663">   <deployedObject xmi:type="appdeployment:ApplicationDeployment" xmi:id="ApplicationDeployment_1335376658663" startingWeight="10" warClassLoaderPolicy="SINGLE">
    <modules xmi:type="appdeployment:WebModuleDeployment" xmi:id="WebModuleDeployment_1335376658663" startingWeight="10000" uri="CallCenterWMWeb.war"/>
    <modules xmi:type="appdeployment:WebModuleDeployment" xmi:id="WebModuleDeployment_1335376658664" startingWeight="10000" uri="OperacionesWMWeb.war"/>
    <classloader xmi:id="Classloader_1335376658663" mode="PARENT_LAST">
      <libraries xmi:id="LibraryRef_1335376658663" libraryName="CommonsJar"/>
    </classloader>   </deployedObject> </appdeployment:Deployment>

The configuration of th JVM variables on the server are like this:

-Xquickstart -Xlp -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8 -agentlib:getClasses

What can be the problem, any idea? Thanks in advise


  • Check this article:

    Look for the WebSphere section, maybe you have to edit the axis2.xml configuration and change the paramter EnableChildFirstClassLoading to "true"