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How does one change the color for text highlighting in Xcode 4 for warnings and errors?

Possible Duplicate:
Fix for Xcode's indiscernible highlighting of inline errors?

Does anyone know how to change the color of the in-line highlighting for warnings and errors in Xcode 4? With almost every theme, the yellow warning highlight makes the underlying code impossible to read. Example picture


  • Just came across this, which seems to be able to modify some of Xcode's behaviors by creating some sort of plugin. Maybe one can be developed to change text highlight color. http:/


    I've finally managed to implement a Xcode "fixin" to do it.
    text highlight for dark backgrounds

    You just need to open the project and build it. Doing so will install an Xcode plugin called "XCFixin_CustomizeWarningErrorHighlights.xcplugin" into ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins. You can of course customize the colors to your liking.

    Get the "fixin" here: