I need to configure a virtual printer port to redirect it to a external program(.exe file) through c# code. Right now I am able to install a virtual port with some customization(thanks to bghh code). The attached picture illustrates the requirement. Any help will be highly appreciated.
I found out solution to the above problem. All the printer ports registered on the system are listed in registry under the key "SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Print\Monitors\Redirected Port\Ports"
Values under these keys can be edited to get the desired result. Below is the code to edit it using c#.
bool found = false;
string portName = "testing:";
RegistryKey PrinterPort = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\ControlSet001\\Control\\Print\\Monitors\\Redirected Port\\Ports", true);
foreach (string pp in PrinterPort.GetSubKeyNames())
if (pp == portName)
PrinterPort = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\ControlSet001\\Control\\Print\\Monitors\\Redirected Port\\Ports"+"\\"+portName, true);
found = true; break;
if (found)
PrinterPort.SetValue(@"Arguments", "@C:\\gs\\pdfwrite.txt -sOutputFile=\"d:\\hello.pdf\" -c .setpdfwrite -f -");
PrinterPort.SetValue(@"Command", "c:\\gs\\bin\\gswin32c.exe");
PrinterPort.SetValue(@"Delay", 0x12c);
PrinterPort.SetValue(@"LogFileDebug", 0x0);
PrinterPort.SetValue(@"LogFileName", "");
PrinterPort.SetValue(@"LogFileUse", 0x0);
PrinterPort.SetValue(@"Output", 0x0);
PrinterPort.SetValue(@"Printer", "Send To Cool Printer");
PrinterPort.SetValue(@"PrintError", 0x0);
PrinterPort.SetValue(@"RunUser", 0x0);
PrinterPort.SetValue(@"ShowWindow", 0x0);