I came across this recently, up until now I have been happily overriding the equality operator (==) and/or Equals method in order to see if two references types actually contained the same data (i.e. two different instances that look the same).
I have been using this even more since I have been getting more in to automated testing (comparing reference/expected data against that returned).
While looking over some of the coding standards guidelines in MSDN I came across an article that advises against it. Now I understand why the article is saying this (because they are not the same instance) but it does not answer the question:
Many Thanks ^_^
Looks like I had mis-read some of the documentation (it's been a long day) and overriding Equals may be the way to go..
If you are implementing reference types, you should consider overriding the Equals method on a reference type if your type looks like a base type such as a Point, String, BigNumber, and so on. Most reference types should not overload the equality operator, even if they override Equals. However, if you are implementing a reference type that is intended to have value semantics, such as a complex number type, you should override the equality operator.
It looks like you're coding in C#, which has a method called Equals that your class should implement, should you want to compare two objects using some other metric than "are these two pointers (because object handles are just that, pointers) to the same memory address?".
I grabbed some sample code from here:
class TwoDPoint : System.Object
public readonly int x, y;
public TwoDPoint(int x, int y) //constructor
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public override bool Equals(System.Object obj)
// If parameter is null return false.
if (obj == null)
return false;
// If parameter cannot be cast to Point return false.
TwoDPoint p = obj as TwoDPoint;
if ((System.Object)p == null)
return false;
// Return true if the fields match:
return (x == p.x) && (y == p.y);
public bool Equals(TwoDPoint p)
// If parameter is null return false:
if ((object)p == null)
return false;
// Return true if the fields match:
return (x == p.x) && (y == p.y);
public override int GetHashCode()
return x ^ y;
Java has very similar mechanisms. The equals() method is part of the Object class, and your class overloads it if you want this type of functionality.
The reason overloading '==' can be a bad idea for objects is that, usually, you still want to be able to do the "are these the same pointer" comparisons. These are usually relied upon for, for instance, inserting an element into a list where no duplicates are allowed, and some of your framework stuff may not work if this operator is overloaded in a non-standard way.