I don't understand this problem. First I had MBUnit v2 referenced and everything worked perfectly. Then I installed and referenced MBunit v3... Which seems to be MbUnit.dll and Gallio.dll in the Gallio install bin-folder. And when I compiled I got some warnings on TestFixtureSetup, so I changed those to FixtureSetup. But now they don't get executed anymore. Any clues what I'm doing wrong?
Which dll's should I reference btw? Because when I used v2 of MbUnit I always used MbUnit.Framework.dll but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore.
I'am confused...
Edit: This example explains my problem best I think:
I tried this using TestDriven.NET:
public class CategoryTests
public void _TestFixtureSetup()
Debug.WriteLine("in fixturesetup");
public void test()
Debug.WriteLine("in test");
Upon rightclicking on the test method and choosing Run Test(s) I get this output:
------ Test started: Assembly: mvcstore.DataAccess.Tests.dll ------
in test
1 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, took 1.13 seconds.
You need only the 2 following assemblies: MbUnit.dll and Gallio.dll. Be sure to use the new runner because the old one (mbunit v2) is not compatible with mbUnit v3.
Icarus is the GUI runner and Echo is the command line runner.