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Setting format of setters & getters in Scala case classes

In Scala, I have a case class:

case class MonthSelectionInfo(monthSelection: MonthSelection.Value, customMonth:Int = 0, customYear:Int = 0) {

 def this(monthSelection: MonthSelection.Value) = {
   this(monthSelection, 0, 0)

object MonthSelection extends Enumeration {
  type MonthSelection = Value

  val LastMonth, ThisMonth, NextMonth, CustomMonth = Value

When I have an instance of the case class, I have to use




to get & set the MonthSelection instance contained within.

Is there any nice Scala way to format the getter & setter to look more like regular Java POJOs? e.g.



  • There is @BeanProperty annotation to generate getters and setters for fields.

    case class MonthSelectionInfo(@reflect.BeanProperty var monthSelection: MonthSelection.Value)
    scala> val ms = MonthSelectionInfo(MonthSelection.LastMonth)
    ms: MonthSelectionInfo = MonthSelectionInfo(LastMonth)
    scala> ms.setMonthSelection(MonthSelection.ThisMonth)
    sscala> ms.getMonthSelection
    res4: MonthSelection.Value = ThisMonth