I have some historical data tables in my Mysql database.
I want to repeat a day's historical data for another day in the same table.
Table structure, with some sample data:
Id | Date | Value
1 | 2012-04-30 | 5
2 | 2012-04-30 | 10
3 | 2012-04-30 | 15
I want to repeat those ids & values, but for a new date - e.g. 2012-05-01. i.e. adding:
1 | 2012-05-01 | 5
2 | 2012-05-01 | 10
3 | 2012-05-01 | 15
I feel that there should be a straightforward way of doing this... I've tried playing with UPDATE statements with sub-queries and using multiple LEFT JOINs, but haven't get there yet.
Any ideas on how I can do this?
EDIT: To clarify... - I do NOT want to add these to a new table - Nor do I want to change the existing records in the table. - The ids are intentionally duplicated (they are a foreign_key to another table that records what the data refers to...).
SELECT ID, "2012-05-01" As Date, Value
FROM yourTable
WHERE Date = "2012-04-31"
Usually, your ID would be an autoincrement though, so having the same ID in the same table would not work. Either use a different ID, or a different table.
Different ID (next autoincrement):
SELECT NULL as ID, "2012-05-01" As Date, Value
FROM yourTable
WHERE Date = "2012-04-31"
Different table (referring to original ID)
INSERT INTO yourTable_hist
SELECT NULL as ID, ID as old_ID, "2012-05-01" As Date, Value
FROM yourTable
WHERE Date = "2012-04-31"