This is my first time working with a JSON and I am clearly getting something wrong, Im just very unsure what it is.
I have looked up how to parse a simple json, but I think its the deeper levels of a google geocode that may be throwing me off.
Heres how I am trying to obtain my values:
$getJSON = "" . str_replace(" ", "", $_POST['postcode']) . "&sensor=false";
$contentJSON = file_get_contents($getJSON);
$Geocode_array = json_decode($contentJSON, true);
$lat = $Geocode_array[results][address_components][geometry][location][lat];
$lng = $Geocode_array[results][address_components][geometry][location][lng];
and if required I can post the json code.
Try quoting your array keys. Without the quotes, PHP is assuming those keys are undefined constants. Additionally, you've also not traversed the JSON result quite correctly. Try this:
$lat = $Geocode_array['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];
$lng = $Geocode_array['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];
The Google Maps API gives you multiple results in an array. I'm referencing the first one in the code immediately above (index 0
). A helpful thing to do during development is to print associative arrays to the PHP output buffer using print_r()
. That's how I figured it out.