Background: I'm using to add a Mercurial browser to a Django site I'm building.
The problem I'm having is: The particular files we're storing in the HG repo are bind zone files and happen to be named /some/path/
which is causing hgweb to set the content-type to application/x-msdos-program
(when the content is really text/plain
) when returning the raw view of the file. The incorrect content-type is causing hgwebproxy to dump the content into the page template, rather than just return it. It does a test like this to skip templating:
if response['content-type'].split(';')[0] in ('application/octet-stream', 'text/plain'):
return response
Some posible solutions are of course
(Lame and dirty)hgweb uses mimetypes to detect the mime type of a file. You might be able to override the ".com" suffix detection by adding a settings file. See: mimetypes.knownfiles:
>>> import mimetypes
>>> mimetypes.init()
>>> mimetypes.knownfiles
['/etc/mime.types', '/etc/httpd/mime.types', '/etc/httpd/conf/mime.types', '/etc/apache/mime.types', '/etc/apache2/mime.types', '/usr/local/etc/httpd/conf/mime.types', '/usr/local/lib/netscape/mime.types', '/usr/local/etc/httpd/conf/mime.types', '/usr/local/etc/mime.types']