How would I be able to N results for several groups in an oracle query.
See the following table for an example:
ID Team Auditor
1 Tm1 Jill
2 Tm2 Jill
3 Tm1 Jill
4 Tm2 Jack
5 Tm2 Jack
6 Tm2 Jack
7 Tm3 Sam
8 Tm1 Sam
9 Tm5 Sam
There are more rows with more auditors and teams. I would like to get 3 teams for each auditor with 3 different teams where possible.
I am already using the following SQL (posted in response to this query Get top results for each group (in Oracle)) to return 3 teams for each auditor, but sometimes they get 3 of the same team which isn't really ideal (see Jack).
select *
from (select ID,
rank() over ( partition by Auditor order by ID) rank
from table)
where rank <= 3;
Your test data does not cover the case that you explained.
You can do this:
select *
select ID,
row_number() over (partition by Auditor order by rank1) as rank
from (select ID,
row_number() over (partition by Auditor, team order by id) rank1
from table)
where rank <= 3;
However this will be more expensive because you have two sorts.
The inner query ranks with 1 first combination of Auditor,Team, with 2 the second, etc.
The middle query ranks Auditor rows after the inner rank, so an Auditor will have first ranked rows those with different team.
the outer query gets the first thre rows for every auditors.