I have been looking everywhere for this and have not found a solution. I am using python 2.5.1 on an Apple iPod and I am trying to connect to a host with SSH. First I start off with import os
. Next I
. After this command is executed I next try to os.system('password')
. This does not work and SSH asks for the password, after I exit the SSH session then my password
is printed. Is there any way that I can get it so that it sends the password to SSH? I don't want to add any other modules to python. Thanks!
Complete file:
import os
take a look at pexpect, it should do the trick in the manner you expect it.
Example from the docs:
child = pexpect.spawn('scp foo myname@host.example.com:.')
child.expect ('Password:')
child.sendline (mypassword)
Yes, that's yet another module.. but the cleanest way to accomplish what you want.