I am working with the C4 Alpha and I've added a small movie to the canvas but I don't know how to rotate it into the right position.
Here's my code:
-(void)setup {
C4Movie *newMovie = [C4Movie movieNamed:@"IMG_0009.MOV"];
newMovie.center = CGPointMake(384,512);
[self.canvas addMovie:newMovie];
Thank you.
Currently, in the C4 alpha api, the only way to do rotations is to use CGAffineTransform()...
So, your example would look like:
-(void)setup {
C4Movie *newMovie = [C4Movie movieNamed:@"IMG_0009.MOV"];
newMovie.center = CGPointMake(384,512);
newMovie.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(PI);
[self.canvas addMovie:newMovie];
PI will rotate your movie by 180 degrees, PI/2 = 90, etc...