I need to find a word or several words. With this method, however, I find also piece of word.
NSString *searchString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",searchField.text];
NSRange range = [textString rangeOfString : searchString];
if (range.location != NSNotFound) {
NSLog(@"textString = %@", textString);
I need the word / words exact
How can I do?
Thank you!
There are various ways of parsing/finding sub-strings in NSString:
from catapult
when searching for cat
.... and they, of course, each have their PROs and CONs.
NSString has 9 methods grouped under "Finding Characters and Substrings". Methods such as:
Finds and returns the range of the first occurrence of a given string within the receiver.
NSRegularExpression has 5 methods grouped under "Searching Strings Using Regular Expressions". Methods such as:
-numberOfMatchesInString: options: range:
Returns the number of matches of the regular expression within the specified range of the string.
It might also be useful to know about NSScanner, but this class would be more useful if you're parsing the string than simply looking for sub-parts.