I am just getting started in web services using Lotus Notes. What I would like to be able to do is to create a web service that generates a sequential number. The code to generate the number is based on existing code we have used for some time within our databases (just straight lotus script, no web services). Basically there is a document that stores the next number, the next number is returned and is updated for the next call save conflicts are detected and the number is tried again if there was a issue saving the number.
I thought I might use a web service for to generate the number. So are web services processed sequentially or in parallel? Because if they are serial then I won't need to deal with two people trying to save the number at the same time.
Web services are a way for two systems to communicate with each other where they would not have a common language.
For example LotusScript agent connecting to a .Net server.
When creating a web service provider (server) on Domino you can code it in LotusScript or Java. The server then provides a WSDL file for the consumer (client) to write the code required to talk to that web service.
This tutorial should explain it better for you:
Now as for Domino. Web services run in order they are requested from the server. However there is no control to say "Don't start until Webservice X has finished".
You could also code this into an application but run the serious risk of deadlocks of memory/performance issues for other users unless you counter for that.
The Domino server can also be set to not run web services/agents in parallel. But again you risk the same issues.
If it is a unique ID then you could go by the UNID of the document you create from the web service. Or you can use @UNIQUE via an evaluate, but both only return text.