So I'm developing a minesweeper game and im assigning the mines, but i'm unable to create a algorithm to stop a mine to go to a place where there's already a mine, here's what i have so far:
Public Sub initflags()
Dim line, column As Integer
For line = 0 To 9
For column = 0 To 9
mat(line, column) = 0
Dim numbandeiras As Integer
Dim r, c As Integer
Do Until numbandeiras = 34
line = Int(Rnd() * 10)
column = Int(Rnd() * 10)
r = line
c = column
If r And c = 1 Then
mat(line, column) = 0
numbandeiras = numbandeiras + 1
Call avisinhos()
mat(line, column) = 1
End If
End Sub
Could someone help me? Best regards, joao.
The simplest thing to do is to check before setting, e.g:
if mat(line, column) = 0 then
numbandeiras = numbandeiras + 1
mat(line, column) = 1
end if