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Reading TIFF in Python and Matplotlib using GDAL

I'm trying to display a grayscale TIFF file using Python and MatPlotLib,

So far I have read the file this:

import scipy as N
import gdal
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot

    tif = gdal.Open('filename.tif')
    tifArray = tif.ReadAsArray()
    print 'The file does not exist.'

band1 = tif.GetRasterBand(1)
band2 = tif.GetRasterBand(2)
band3 = tif.GetRasterBand(3)

band1Array = band1.ReadAsArray()
band2Array = band2.ReadAsArray()
band3Array = band3.ReadAsArray()

But then I don't know what else should I do... I'm so clueless. Anyone would help me in this?


  • Once you processed your file into a 2 Array, you could use ANY function in matplotlib that plots 2D arrays, e.g. cmap, imshow etc.

    Here is the output with the marbles example

    import matplotlib.image as mpimg
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    img=mpimg.imread('MARBLES.TIF ')
    imgplot = plt.imshow(img)

    Here is what you get if you view only band3 of the image:

    imgplot2 = plt.imshow(band3Array)

    band3 of marbles

    Look further into image viewing in MPL and 2D array functions...