I am writing a WPF application using MEF and a third-party library called MEFedMVVM.
I am attempting to create a design whereby a parent view model has a collection of child view models, and I wish to use the view-model-first approach as this keeps the views outside of the view models thereby keeping the code more view model-centric and more unit testable.
I have read this discussion and this discussion regarding using DataTemplate for the view, and also Reed Copsy, Jr's suggestion here to use a generic view to view model mapping resource. But, I'm struggling to actually implement something that works.
My parent view is very simple:
<UserControl x:Class="MyParentView"
meffed:ViewModelLocator.ViewModel="MyParentViewModel" />
The parent view model derives from a base type that implements IContextAware:
public class MyParentViewModel : ViewModelBase
public MyParentViewModel()
var myChildVM = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<MyChildViewModel>());
This is the child view model:
[ExportViewModel("MyChildViewModel", true)]
public class MyChildViewModel : ViewModelBase
And this has a corresponding view:
<UserControl x:Class="MyChildView"
meffed:ViewModelLocator.ViewModel="MyChildViewModel" />
Initially, I thought that specifying the second Boolean parameter on ExportViewModel attribute for MyChildViewModel would make everything work using a view-model-first approach as my views and view models are MEFed together in the views' XAML code. However, turns out this is not the case, and what I actually get passed in to IContextAware.InjectContext() when I instantiate a MyChildViewModel object in the MyParentViewModel constructor is a MyParentView object. Not a MyChildView object as I was expecting and hoping. Clearly, I need to add something to wire them up together. Could anyone provide an example on how to do this?
When you really want to use view-model-first then you should do:
public class MyParentViewModel : ViewModelBase
// Create property for your child vm
public MyChildViewModel Child {get; private set}
// If you do MEF use constructor injection instead of servicelocator
public MyParentViewModel(MyChildViewModel child)
this.Child = child;
then define a datatemplate for your childvm
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:MyChildViewModel}">
<view:MyChildViewUserControl />
in your MainView you know where you want to show the child data, otherwise you wouldn't need the child property ;) so simply put a ContentControl where the Child data should go and bind to your property.
<TabItem Header="MyChildData">
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Child}" />
PS: Code is written without IDE, so errors possible :)