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How to redirect Spring security concurrent session control 'message' on login screen?

I have web application, in which I have used Spring framework. For the concurrent session control I have use spring feature where only 1 logged in session will be maintained for 1 user as soon as that user logs in to another session , he/her previous session will be expired.

Now in this case I am getting this message "This session has been expired (possibly due to multiple concurrent logins being attempted as the same user)."

But I get this message on complete white page on browser. I want this message to come on my login screen only.

Here is the part of my spring security xml where I have handled concurrent session for user.

<security:session-management invalid-session-url="/login.jsp?error=sessionExpired" session-authentication-error-url="/login.jsp?error=alreadyLogin">
                    <security:concurrency-control max-sessions="1" error-if-maximum-exceeded="false" />

Any links specially for customizing this message and redirecting this message on desired web application page will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


  • Original XML entry in spring-security.xml

    <security:session-management session-authentication-error-url="/login.jsp?error=alreadyLogin">
                        <security:concurrency-control max-sessions="1" error-if-maximum-exceeded="false" />

    Just You have to added following parameter in xml to redirect the Login expired action or invalid session url

    expired-url="url value"

    invalid-session-url="url value"

    Modified XML entry

    <security:session-management invalid-session-url="/login.jsp?error=sessionExpired" session-authentication-error-url="/login.jsp?error=alreadyLogin">
                        <security:concurrency-control max-sessions="1" expired-url="/login.jsp?error=sessionExpiredDuplicateLogin" error-if-maximum-exceeded="false" />