Apon clicking play on my web page, an mp3 file is sent from the server and in the browser see only 3 requests sent. I added to the response X-Sendfile header, and the responds arrived without it so I understand mod_xsendfile is configured OK.
Weirdly, when I click play on mp4, the browser start sending hundreds of requests, and the movie starts and gets stuck! No "X-Sendfile" header in responses here eather...
If I change the source in the cideo element to some mp4 file of a different site - all is OK (movie runs smoothly & only few requests).
What is the problem?
<video id="videoId" preload="none" controls="controls" width="300px" height="286px" src="url/of/file.mp4">
Sorry, unable to play video.
<filesMatch "\.(mp3|ogg|mp4)$">
XSendFile on
Response Header: (of mp4)
Content-Range:bytes 8382477-9774973/9774974
Date:Sat, 28 Apr 2012 20:27:07 GMT
Keep-Alive:timeout=5, max=100
Last-Modified:Sat, 14 Apr 2012 12:47:10 GMT
The problem was... the encoding of MP4 file!