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Can't launch anything from terminal after uninstalling fink! Mac Lion

I've got a big problem, I can't launch anything from the terminal, not python, not emacs (or aquamacs), not even 'which'.

I was using homebrew to try to install ffmpeg and was having difficulties so I decided to pay attention to the warning that always come up advising me to uninstall fink. I removed the sw directory from my root directory, which is what the fink website told me to do and was confirmed on many blogs and message boards after a quick google search.

And since then nothing has worked, I'm almost certain that this was the cause of the problem because after removing sw I immediately tried home brew again and it said 'brew: command not found'. I get the same warning with any and every program I try to launch.

I use Mac OS Lion on a 6 year old MacBook.

Any ideas?


  • You probably busted your PATH. You can use absolute paths to commands until you get it fixed. For example:

    /bin/mv ~/.profile ~/.profile.bak
    /bin/mv ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile.bak

    Then open a new Terminal window, where standard things should now work. and repair your profile script.