I'm trying to improve the performance of this code:
orderitems = OrderItem.objects.filter(order__contact=contact)
for orderitem in orderitems:
pv = ProductVariation.objects.get(product=orderitem.product)
if pv.parent_id == parent_product.id:
return True
Essentially I want to get rid of the 'for' loop because its slow. I would like to do it using a single queryset if possible, but I just can't get my head around the syntax. Here is the SQL that I effectively want to reproduce. It creates a list which is fairly short so I can iterate through that looking for a match:
SELECT parent_id
FROM configurable_productvariation
WHERE product_id IN (
SELECT product_id
FROM shop_orderitem
WHERE order_id
IN (
FROM shop_order
WHERE contact_id = 4));
The '4' is the 'contact' referred to in the first line of python.
Many thanks, Thomas
This should generate sql like yours
product_ids = OrderItem.objects.filter(order__contact=contact).values_list('product_id', flat=True)