driver.FindElements(By.TagName("A"). //<---- ?????????
I have some Selenium API code that I started. I aim to get all the "A" tags with the string "alertsepy" and the sting "sevendwarves" in the attribute href and return all those elements into an array so I can do some further processing. I started the code but I am really not quite sure how to get all the way there yet. Does anyone know how to do this type of query with Selenium.
Kind Regards!
You should use css selector:
IList<IWebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("a[href*=alertsepy],a[href*=sevendwarves]")
This query will return a
nodes with href
attribute that contains alertsepy or sevendwarves or both strings:
<a href="alertsepy.html" > </a>
<a href="sevendwarves.html" > </a>
<a href="" > </a>
Or you can use:
IList<IWebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("a[href*=alertsepy][href*=sevendwarves]")
This query will return a
nodes with href
attribute that contains alertsepy and sevendwarves strings:
<a href="" > </a>
For a list of generally available css selectors refer to w3c css selectors. For the list of available in Selenium query types refer to Locating UI Elements.