I want to retrieve my RDF statement's object value and I know how to iterate all of my classes and their respective properties but I don't know how can I access to their objects?
for example :
OntModel rdfModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel();
ExtendedIterator<OntClass> instances = rdfModel.listClasses();
OntClass cls = instances.next();
System.out.println("class name :" + cls.getURI());
ExtendedIterator<OntProperty> prop = rdfModel.listOntProperties();
OntProperty ppp = prop.next();
if (ppp.hasDomain(cls))
System.out.println("the properties are :" + ppp.getURI());
now I want to have access to each and every object which have a relation to a property of an interated class.
how should I do that?
You can use OntClass.listProperties(Property). Javadocs are your friend.