I have a WPF form with 16 buttons on it. When my view model initializes, I need to set all 16 as RelayCommand objects. This is all my Initialize() method does, yet that causes the code analysis error CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity.
Is this a good case for suppressing a CA warning, or is there a more elegant way to set these commands without causing the CA violation?
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity", Justification = "Simply setting the commands")]
private void Initialize()
this.AddApplicationCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => AddApplication());
this.DeleteApplicationCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => DeleteApplication(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);
this.RefreshApplicationsCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => RefreshApplications());
this.SaveApplicationCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => SaveApplication(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);
this.ForceInstallationCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => ForceInstallation(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);
this.DeleteForceInstallationCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => DeleteForceInstallation(), _ => ApplicationIsSelectedAndForceExists());
this.AddTaskCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => AddTask(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);
this.EditTaskCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => EditTask(), _ => TaskIsSelected());
this.DeleteTaskCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => DeleteTask(), _ => TaskIsSelected());
this.ImportTasksCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => ImportTasks(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);
this.ExportTasksCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => ExportTasks(), _ => TaskIsSelected());
this.ImportLegacyTasksCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => ImportLegacyTasks(), _ => ApplicationIsSelected);
this.MoveTaskUpCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => MoveRowUp(), _ => TaskIsSelected());
this.MoveTaskDownCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => MoveRowDown(), _ => TaskIsSelected());
this.AddVariableGroupCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => AddVariableGroup());
this.RemoveVariableGroupCommand = new RelayCommand(_ => RemoveVariableGroup(), _ => VariableGroupIsSelected());
This is a false positive due to the use of anonymous methods. The rule does not recognize the compiler-generated branching as generated code. See https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/555560/method-using-many-lambda-expressions-causes-high-cyclomatic-complexity and https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/295703/incorrect-cyclomatic-complexity-with-lambdas for existing bug reports.