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Silently change url to previous using Backbone.js

Using Backbone.js, is it possible to make the router navigate to the page where it came from? I'd like to use that for the case where I change my URL when a popup appears, and I want go change it back, when I hide the popup. I don't want to simply go back, because I want to keep the background page in precisely the same position as I left it before I showed the popup


  • You can solve this problem by extending Backbone.Router and storing all the routes during navigation.

    class MyRouter extends Backbone.Router
      constructor: (options) ->
        @on "all", @storeRoute
        @history = []
        super options
      storeRoute: ->
        @history.push Backbone.history.fragment
      previous: ->
        if @history.length > 1
          @navigate @history[@history.length-2], true 

    Then, when you have to dismiss your modal, simply call the MyRouter.previous() method that it will redirect you back to the last "hash".