I get a weird semantic issue:
missing '[' at start of message send expression
and a parse issue:
Expected ']'
in NSLog
line of AFURLConnectionOperation.m
@catch(NSException *e) { caughtException = e; }
if(caughtException) {
NSLog(NSLocalizedString(@"Unhandled exception on %@ networking thread: %@, userInfo: %@", nil), NSStringFromClass([self class]), caughtException, [caughtException userInfo]);
[exceptionPool drain];
after I added
#define NSLog(__FORMAT__, ...) TFLog((@"%s [Line %d] " __FORMAT__), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)
to my project's pre-compile file: Proj-Prefix.pch
How can I fix this error?
I searched but without any workaround except comment out the NSLog
Thanks in advance!
NSLog(@"%@", [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Unhandled exception on %@ networking thread: %@, userInfo: %@", nil), NSStringFromClass([self class]), caughtException, [caughtException userInfo]]);
NSLog(@"Unhandled exception on %@ networking thread: %@, userInfo: %@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), caughtException, [caughtException userInfo]);
are okay.
But why the original one does not? :?
Think about the macro expansion. In your macro, you're trying to use string literal concatenation:
(@"%s [Line %d] " __FORMAT__)
But the value of the __FORMAT__
parameter is NSLocalizedString(@"Unhandled exception on %@ networking thread: %@, userInfo: %@", nil)
, which is not a string literal. The expansion looks like this:
(@"%s [Line %d] " NSLocalizedString(@"Unhandled exception on %@ networking thread: %@, userInfo: %@", nil))
Clearly that's erroneous syntax. The error is made extra-inscrutable because NSLocalizedString
is itself a macro (defined in NSBundle.h
), so the full expansion looks like this:
(@"%s [Line %d] " [[NSBundle mainBundle] localizedStringForKey:(@"Unhandled exception on %@ networking thread: %@, userInfo: %@") value:@"" table:nil])
By the way, you should not use __FORMAT__
as your macro parameter name. All identifiers that begin with two underscores are reserved. (Also reserved are all identifiers that begin with an underscore followed by a capital letter.)