I'm getting this error, vb / .net4, although the website is working fine, at the bottom of the page:
YAF Compiled in DEBUG MODE. Recompile in RELEASE MODE to remove this information:
I opened up Visual Studio 2010 right-clicked my solution, looked under the "build" tab, but I cannot find anything about release mode. Could somebody please tell me where I can find this and build my site in release mode? Thanks!
I'm experiencing the same issue with VS 2010 and VS 2011 beta. I suspect a third party tool or plugin may be the culprit and am in the process of looking into this.
For now, just change the compilation switch in the Web.Config to false:
<compilation debug="false">
I have fixed my VS 2010 issue by uninstalling Telerik JustTrace. I was still experiencing the same issue with VS 2011 beta (on a separate VM to VS 2010) though. So, I tried using a Web Application Project instead of a Website Project and the problem went away.
This is normal for website projects as each page is compiled dynamically: