does anyone know how you edit/maintain regions in magento - specifically adding ones for the uk.
In the Magento admin console, go to System->Configuration
Click on the "Manage Stores" link (In the upper left hand corner there's a section named "Current Configuration Scope".)
From here you should see all the configured websites, stores, and store views in the Magento system. Explaining how all these related to one another is beyond the scope of any single StackOverflow article, but this wiki article has the basics and this wiki article may also be useful.
You'll need to setup either a seperate website or a seperate store or a seperate store view for your UK store, depending on your needs (sorry to be so vague)
Return to System->Configuration
Click on the Current Configuration Scope drop down
You should now see a nested view of all your configured websites, stores and store views. Selecting "Default Config" will allow you to set config values for all stores. Selecting a specific website, store or store view from this menu will allow you to set config values for a specific website, store or store view. This will allow you to set specific config values for your UK store.