I've found out that pop up messages from my service provider(telecom network) is causing my app activity to get paused.Is there any way i can prevent these from pausing my activity?
I am not sure if there is much that you can do about blocking the pop ups from the service provider.
The easiest way to handle this situation though would be to shift your countdown timer or ringtone player to a background service.
What happens now is that when these pop ups occur your service is temporarily loses its focus and gets the focus back when the pop up is closed. Implementing your timer and stuff in the service will prevent this from happening.
best way is, write the entire layout as you want with all the buttons. in the onclick of activities you can call whatever the intents that you want. At the same time you can make the countdowntimer
and ringtoneplayer
as static
objects in service
So in the activity when you press the start button, you can just write service.countdowntimer.start() and it will start the cdt from the activity and the same for stopping the time and for the ringtone player too. You are just shifting your ringtone player and cdt to the background and implementing it in another class which extends service. rest almost everything remains same. you wont even need any sort of listener here.