Since I upgraded my Galaxy S2 to Android 4 I am having some weird problem with my audio player application. Since the upgrade MediaMetadataRetriever doesn't output much info other than the track number and the embedded picture. No title, no artist, pretty much nothing.
I am currently at a loss, as the problem is just made worse that the Android 4.0.3 emulator doesn't have the same problem.
Googling for this didn't help much, although I find it hard to imagine that I would be the only one with this kind of problem. My wife's SGS2 shows the same problem, so I don't expect it to be some strange problem limited to my phone. Does anybody know if that might be a problem limited to ICS for the SGS2? Did anybody else experience problems with MediaMetadataRetriever on ICS? And, I guess most importantly, does anybody have a solution for this?
In case you want to check if my application has that problem on your phone you can get either code or APKs at
Any general advice on how I might be able to track down the problem would help as well.
I will test your sample application when I have a moment but in the meantime you may also want to think about another solution besides MediaMetadataRetriever since it limits your API compatibility and (apparently) doesn't always work. My project, ServeStream, uses a stripped down version of Apache Tika to retrieve the metadata. You may want to consider this approach in your own project. Here is a URL to the Tika jar and the class to do the parsing: