I have the following Ruby code:
94 def open_connection(info)
95 self.log "opening #{info.inspect}"
96 db = Mysql.init
97 db.options(Mysql::SET_CHARSET_NAME, 'utf8')
98 db.real_connect(info.host, info.user, info.password, info.dbname, info.port)
99 db.query("SET NAMES utf8")
100 »···res = db.query("SELECT realname FROM profiles")
102 »···conn = PGconn.connect("localhost", 5432, '', '', "dbname", "user", "pwd")
How do I take the res
variable and loop through it to insert it into my Postgres database?
The MySQL query
method gives you a Mysql::Result
instance so you can use each
to get each row as an Array:
res = db.query('select realname from profiles')
res.each do |a|
# a is an array of strings
realname = a.first
# ...
If you had more columns in the result set then each_hash
might be easier to work with, that calls the block with a Hash which maps column names to their values.
To insert data into PostgreSQL, use exec
pg_conn.exec('insert into some_table (some_column) values ($1)', [ realname ])
Please use placeholders rather than interpolation, there's no need to party like PHP programmers in 1999.
You could also use prepare
and exec_prepared
pg_conn.prepare('ins', 'insert into some_table (some_column) values ($1)')
pg_conn.exec_prepared('ins', [ realname1 ])
pg_conn.exec_prepared('ins', [ realname2 ])
# ...
The prepare
approach is better if you're going to be executing the same SQL over and over again.
Combining them gets the job done:
res = db.query('select realname from profiles')
pg_conn.prepare('ins', 'insert into some_table (some_column) values ($1)')
res.each { |a| pg_conn.exec_prepared('ins', a) }