I keep getting an error when I try to export a release AIR build:
Error creating AIR file:Foo-app.xml: error 303: Icon /C:/Users/Fred/AppData/Local/Temp/assets/icon_16.png is missing from package
Directory looks like:
app-xml specifies the icons as
<!-- <image128x128>assets/icon_128.png</image128x128> -->
I've tried moving the assets/ directory under the bin/ and putting a parent pronoun (..) in the tag.
I embed the images in the application thus:
public var applicationIconClass : Class;
public var applicationIcon16Class : Class;
public var applicationIcon32Class : Class;
public var applicationIcon48Class : Class;
public var applicationIcon128Class : Class;
The compiler does not complain that it cannot find the files.
I've done the indicated searches here and using Google in general. I have no idea what to try next.
Any ideas?
So a couple things jump out at me on this.
If neither one of these leads you down the right path, you can always validate that the .air file has the sources in it by opening it in a standard compression program (.air is a lot like a .swc in the sense that it's nothing more than a zipped up package).