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PHP mysql_real_escape_string or alternative with PDO

I'm trying to migrate a lot of old PHP mysql prodecural function like mysql_query, mysql_real_escape_string etc. into PDO with minimum effort. I don't want to rewrite every old DB function. The reason is that it's rather an old application and I'm developing a new module into it and want to use PDO there.

So now I'm porting these old functions into PDO methods - I apended _port to my old functions so I use mysql_query_port, mysql_fetch_array_port, mysql_num_rows_port and mysql_real_escape_string_port.

The first three works pretty good:

function mysql_query_port($query) {
    $db = Database::instance();
    $statement = $db->prepare($query);

    if (!$statement->execute())
        return false;
    return $statement;

function mysql_fetch_array_port(PDOStatement $statement) {
    return $statement->fetch();

function mysql_num_rows_port(PDOStatement $statement) {
    return $statement->rowCount();

The problem is with mysql_real_escape_string - I can't use it when I don't have mysql connection. So please help me decide what to do (or find a bug in my code):

  1. Init mysql_pconnect() at the beginning of the script so that I can still use mysql_real_escape_string (I won't be doing any queries through that connection).
  2. Write some alternative. The manual says this function "prepends backslashes to the following characters: \x00, \n, \r, , ', " and \x1a.", so I came up with this:


function mysql_real_escape_string_port($string) {
    return addcslashes ($string, "\x00\n\r\\'\"\x1a");

What do you think?


  • mysql_real_escape_string requires a connection because its output depends on the connection character set.

    If you are able to sync character sets manually (or if you never change it), you may write your own implementation.