How do i get checkbox values in the form from the database? I want the form to bring the existing sub category name,and when i check the checkbox to select that particular category name and not create a new one.I have tried ryan bate's railscast but was no help to me. The realationship here is Category has_many SubCategories
and SubCategory belongs_to Category
.Thank you.
<%= form_for @category ,:url=>{:action =>"create"} do |f| %>
<%=f.text_field :category_name %>
<%= f.fields_for :sub_categories do |s| %>
<% @category.sub_categories.each do |sub|%>
<%=s.check_box "name",{}, %> <!--need help here-->
<%=f.submit "submit"%>
Based on the exchange in the comments, it appears that you want to use the checkboxes to assign SubCategory objects to a Category object. If that's the case, you're association should be that a Category has_and_belongs_to_many :sub_categories. Then your form would look something like:
<%= form_for @category ,:url=>{:action =>"create"} do |f| %>
<%=f.text_field :category_name %>
<% SubCategories.each do |sc| %>
<%= check_box_tag :sub_category_ids, sub_category_id, @category.sub_categories.include?(sc), :name => 'category[sub_category_ids][]' -%>
<%= label_tag :sub_category_ids, -%>
<% end -%>
<% end %>
Which will show a category form and then list all of the sub_categories that can be assigned or unassigned by checking the checkboxes.
You will also need a join table "categories_sub_categories" for this new association and logic (likely in your controller) to handle the actual assignment.
example for your category_controller.rb
def create
@category = Category.find(params[:id])
#use the checked sub_category_ids from the form to find and assign the sub_categories.
assigned_sub_categories = SubCategory.find(params[:category][:sub_category_ids]) rescue []
@category.sub_categories = assigned_sub_categories