I hav a navigation controller and one thing I couldn't seem to grasp is why when I pop a view controller, it isn't released.
When I add it to the navigation controller I release it, this to me meant that now the navigation controller is responsible for managing the view controller.
But when I pop the navigation controller, I can see that the view controllers that are popped still hang around. I know this because the notification observers are still executing.
Also I tried removing the navigation controller from the view, releasing and setting it to nil, and yet still my view controllers are hanging around.
Where and how can I release the view controllers form a navigation controller either when they are popped or when I release the navigation controller itself?
You mention notification observers...is the view controller added to the notification center then? If that is the case I think the notification center is retaining the view controller. In viewWillDisappear remove it as an observer then in dealloc throw out an NSLog and see if it's releasing correctly now.