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Java compiler errors in grails application

I have a grails application with a JavaCC parser integrated. In this parser I create grails domain object. I have objects such as Product, Release and Document as Grails domain classes.

In the generated Java class (from JavaCC) I create Products, Releases and Documents. Very often (not always though) I get build errors from Grails stating that:

Compile error during compilation with javac. D:\workspaces\productArchive\com.rcs.products\src\java\com\configinfo\ error: cannot find symbol document.setFilename(filename); ^ symbol: method setFilename(String) location: variable document of type Document

My Document class looks like this:

class Document {
 String filename     
 String docVersion
 String path
 String title
 String documentNumber
 String keys

    static belongsTo = [release: Release]

    static constraints = {
        filename(blank: false)
        version(blank: false)
        path(blank: true)
        release(nullable: true)
        keys(blank: true, nullable: true)


I have set JDK_VERSION to 1.6 in the JavaCC grammar file. I'm using Grails 2.0.1.

Can anyone explain these compiler errors?


  • It seemed to some kind of name collison. I don't know why though.