I have the following LINQ to Entities expression:
var allItemsOver64 =
i => DateTimeHelper.CalculateAgeInYears(i.PrimaryInsured.DoB, now) >= 65);
The problem is that when I use allItemsOver64 it says that this expression is not supported. I have a feeling that this error is happening because of the call to the CalculateAgeInYears method. Why is this happening and how can I fix it?
Even after changing the code to use IEnumerables I still get the same error. Here is my code now:
DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;
var allItemsOver64 =
i => DateTimeHelper.CalculateAgeInYears(i.PrimaryInsured.DoB, now) >= 65).AsEnumerable();
IEnumerable<Item> items65To69 = allItemsOver64.Where(
i =>
DateTimeHelper.CalculateAgeInYears(i.PrimaryInsured.DoB, now) >= 65 &&
DateTimeHelper.CalculateAgeInYears(i.PrimaryInsured.DoB, now) <= 69).AsEnumerable();
If I infer correctly from your functions name, I think this may be what you're looking for:
using System.Data.Objects.SqlClient;
var allItemsOver64 = _inventoryContext
.Where(i => (SqlFunctions
.DateDiff("dd", i.PrimaryInsured.DoB, now) / 365.0)
>= 65.0);