I am finding difficulties to convert a datatable to a new datatable using a reference datatable. My question is confusing and I am not good at explaining things so I drew a picture (see below).
I have two datatables on memory and I need to create the third datatable using the second mapping table for reference. The column names are just for example and it can't be hardcoded.
Hope someone can help me. Thanks a lot.
This may not be the most optimized code, but it seems to work ... Basically make a new DataTable using the column names from the "New Columns" column of the mapping table, then for each row in the first table, step through the mapping table, storing the values of the "Old Columns" columns in the "New Columns" columns
Protected Sub MapData()
Dim table1 = New DataTable()
Dim table2 = New DataTable()
Dim table3 = New DataTable()
With table1
.Columns.Add("Fore Name")
.Columns.Add("Sir Name")
.Columns.Add("Date of Birth")
Dim newRow = .NewRow()
newRow("Fore Name") = "AA"
newRow("Sir Name") = "AA"
newRow("Date of Birth") = "01.01.1999"
newRow("Country") = "UK"
' etc
End With
With table2
.Columns.Add("Old Columns")
.Columns.Add("New Columns")
Dim newRow = .NewRow()
newRow("Old Columns") = "Fore Name"
newRow("New Columns") = "First Name"
newRow = .NewRow()
newRow("Old Columns") = "Sir Name"
newRow("New Columns") = "Last Name"
newRow = .NewRow()
newRow("Old Columns") = "Date of Birth"
newRow("New Columns") = "DOB"
End With
For Each rowData As DataRow In table2.Rows
table3.Columns.Add(rowData("New Columns"))
For Each table1Data As DataRow In table1.Rows
Dim newRow = table3.NewRow()
For Each rowMap As DataRow In table2.Rows
newRow(rowMap("New Columns")) = table1Data(rowMap("Old Columns"))
End Sub