I’ve installed PostSharp on my machine, added PostSharp.dll to my dependencies folder and built my aspect attribute, which is works correctly. Now I am going to check-in my changes.
What would happen on build machine or my colleague's computers, when they would get the latest code but wouldn't have installed PostSharp.
Will the attributes just ignored? Or some errors during build or run-time would happen?
I can confirm that a project with aspect attributes can be compiled without any errors on machine without PostSharp installed.I assume that PostSharp DLLs are added as dependencies.
Of course, there will be no post-build processing and all attributes will be ignored, but not related to PostSharp functionality will work as expected.
Clarification 12 Jan 2013:
Other developers and build server were able to ignore PostSharp when I used Setup Program for installation (as described in http://doc.sharpcrafters.com/postsharp-2.1/Default.aspx##PostSharp-2.1.chm/html/f7b57aa1-369a-406a-8863-8b6865265a21.htm ) on my machine only.
However when using NuGet installation in packages subfolder of installation (currently recommended by PostSharp author ) all developers are forced to install Starter or trial professional edition