I have two tables
(1) MonthlyTarget {SalesManCode, TargetMonthYear, TargetValue};
this table has 1966177 rows.
(2) MonthlySales {SalesManCode, SaleDate, AchievedValue};
this table has 400310 rows.
I have to make a query that produces a result like the following table:
{SalesManCode, JanTar, JanAch, FebTar, FebAch,....., DecTar, DecAch}
The problem is, joining these two tables taking a long time.
What should be the query?
How can the query be optimized?
I don't want to consider indexing.
It looks like you're missing some columns in your MonthlyTarget table, namely a "TargetDate" column.
In addition to what everyone has already said about indexing, sometimes a divide-and-conquer approach can really help. Rather than joining a 1966177 row table to a 400310 row table, create to tiny temp tables and join them together instead:
CREATE TABLE #MonthlySalesAgg
SalesManCode int,
JanTar money,
FebTar money,
MarTar money,
AprTar money,
MayTar money,
JunTar money,
JulTar money,
AugTar money,
SepTar money,
OctTar money,
NovTar money,
DecTar money
INSERT INTO #MonthlySalesAgg
(SELECT SalesManCode, TargetValue, SaleMonth = Month(TargetDate) FROM MonthlyTarget) as temp
FOR [SaleMonth] IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12])
) as p
CREATE TABLE #MonthlyTargetAgg
SalesManCode int,
JanAch money,
FebAch money,
MarAch money,
AprAch money,
MayAch money,
JunAch money,
JulAch money,
AugAch money,
SepAch money,
OctAch money,
NovAch money,
DecAch money
INSERT INTO #MonthlyTargetAgg
(SELECT SalesManCode, AchievedValue, SaleMonth = Month(SaleDate) FROM MonthlySales) as temp
FOR [SaleMonth] IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12])
) as p
The queries above create two intermediate tables which should contain the same number of records as your SalesMan table. Joining them is straightforward:
FROM #MonthlyTargetAgg target
INNER JOIN #MonthlySalesAgg sales ON target.SalesManCode = sales.SalesManCode
If you find yourself needing to pull out data by month all the time, move the code into a view instead.
PIVOT requires SQL Server 2005 or higher, and its often a very useful operator. Hopefully SQL Server 2008 will allow users to pivot on more than one column at a time, which will result in an even simpler query than shown above.
Using SQL Server 2000:
PIVOT is syntax sugar. For example,
(SELECT SalesManCode, AchievedValue, SaleMonth = Month(SaleDate) FROM MonthlySales) as temp
FOR [SaleMonth] IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12])
) as p
[1] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 1 then AchievedValue else 0 end),
[2] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 2 then AchievedValue else 0 end),
[3] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 3 then AchievedValue else 0 end),
[4] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 4 then AchievedValue else 0 end),
[5] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 5 then AchievedValue else 0 end),
[6] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 6 then AchievedValue else 0 end),
[7] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 7 then AchievedValue else 0 end),
[8] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 8 then AchievedValue else 0 end),
[9] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 9 then AchievedValue else 0 end),
[10] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 10 then AchievedValue else 0 end),
[11] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 11 then AchievedValue else 0 end),
[12] = Sum(case SaleMonth when 12 then AchievedValue else 0 end)
(SELECT SalesManCode, AchievedValue, SaleMonth = Month(SaleDate) FROM MonthlySales) as temp
GROUP BY SalesManCode