I have written a udev rule that call a script to send email when a usb drive is attached/removed. so far its working fine. following is my udev rule and send email script:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/u/usb_added %b"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="/u/usb_removed %b"
But in sendemail script i also want to include detail of usb drive (usb size, label, mounted on and time of attachment). But I dont know how to get this information. can anyone please help me either from udev or to write a script in bash to read log/messages and fetch this information.
You an use the udevmonitor tool to get the environment variables that the uevent emitted. From these information, you can locate where your block device locates under /sys/ and get further information. You can also use blkid tool to get the information with the DEVNAME exported by uevent.