I am playing looped FLVs in the "standard way":
netstream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onStatus);
public function onStatus(item:Object):void {
if (item.info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop") {
if (loop) netstream.seek(0);
When played through Flash CS 5.5 authoring tool (Test Movie or Debug Movie), the videos loop seamlessly. But! When played in the browser or standalone debug Flash player (both v. there is an abnormal pause of about 1 sec before the video "rewinds".
Is this a bug with the latest Flash player?
The only way to loop an flv seamlessly is to embed inside the swf. It is converted to a MovieClip and you then handle it with play(), stop(), nextFrame(), prevFrame() etc.
When embedding in Flash Authoring tool (dragging flv file on stage), make sure that you select: