I have drawn my answers in paint, are they correct?
(4c) For the alphabet {0, 1} construct finite state automata corresponding to each of the following regular expressions:
(i) 0
(ii) 1 | 0
(iii) 0 * (1 | 0)
The first two are correct, although the first one might be able to be written as (depending on your convention)
(0) -- 0 --> ((1))
The last one is also correct, but can be simplified to (whenever you have ε
appearing, there is likely to be a way to compress the edges and states together to remove it)
+- 0 -+
| |
v |
(0) ---+
/ \
1 0
\ /
(Excuse my ascii diagrams. I'm using (..)
for each state, and ((..))
for final states.)
Notice that the 0*
is basically a loop from a state to itself, since after reading a 0
the remaining regex to match is the same (as long as we aren't at the end of a string).