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Can I override a method in RSpec for just one argument call

I've got a feature enablement mechanism in a couple of projects (one using RSpec 1 with Rails 2, and one with RSpec 2/Rails 3) and I'm looking for a better way to override just one feature, without having to do anything with other features. Ultimately I'm looking for a way to stub a method when it's called with a particular argument, and behave normally otherwise.


get :index # calls feature_enabled? for a few other features too

>> <Project::Config (class)> expected feature_enabled? with 'new_feature' but received it with 'some old feature'

Works, but I'm looking for something a little cleaner, particularly in cases where there might be a few before{} blocks at different levels enabling different features.

# expect any other calls
# I can't override any features here.  This is annoying if I try to set up expectations at a few different levels
get :index # might call feature_enabled? for a few features

This also fails:

get :index

>> undefined method `feature_enabled?' for Project::Config:Class

Ideally I'd be able to do something in one line that doesn't affect other feature_enabled? calls. If there's something that just works for RSpec2 that's fine, since we'll update the other project at some point.


  • The best solution I've found to calling through to the original method works thusly:

    method = Project::Config.method(:feature_enabled?)
    Project::Config.stub(:feature_enabled?).and_return do |arg|