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How expired content handled in Oracle Content Server 11g?

We have a discrepancy in our development and production content servers (11g) in the way that expired content is automatically handled. - In dev, the original file is deleted and replaced with a file of the same name, except with a "~1" appended to the end of the web location. The original file is no longer available from it's original web location. - In production, the same process occurs, but the original file is still accessible via the original web location, which indicates it was not deleted.

It's been a struggle to track down the source of this configuration. Is this an out-of-the-box feature, or does this have to be configured on it's own?


  • Yes, this functionality is the out-of-the-box feature. By default each content item's revision has meta-field 'Expiration Date' which defines when expiration will occur.

    Expired content revisions are marked correspondingly in the database (revisions.dstatus='EXPIRED') thus they will not be accessible in application via search, but can still be found by administrator (Content Management -> Expired Content).

    Expired revision files are not deleted from weblayout, but renamed instead as not latest revisions - marked with ~{number} postfix.
    Expired revision files are neither deleted from vault nor renamed.

    Lets say we have 2 revisions (dID=31026 and dID=31025) of a picture 009139 (dDocName=009139). Both revisions are expired. In this case:

    • both revisions are marked as expired in DB:
    DID                    DDOCNAME                       DSTATUS              
    ---------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- 
    31026                  UP_009139                      EXPIRED              
    31025                  UP_009139                      EXPIRED  
    • both revision files will be renamed in weblayout:
    • neither revision 1 nor revision 2 will be renamed/deleted in vault:

    Regarding your issue with prod - make sure you had no further revisions after the expired one (in this case this revision will be, of course, available)