I've created two classes with methods with same name. In one of them it is private, in another - public. Then somewhere on code i write this:
-(void) doMagic:(id) object {
[(ClassA*)object doSmth];
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
// Insert code here to initialize your application
ClassB * objB = [[ClassB alloc] init];
[self doMagic:objB];
In console i see this: 2012-04-25 23:41:28.183 testmagic[558:403] classB - doSmth
Here's classes' sources:
@interface ClassA : NSObject
-(void) doSmth;
@implementation ClassA
-(void)doSmth {
NSLog(@"classA - doSmth");
@interface ClassB : NSObject
@interface ClassB ()
-(void) doSmth;
@implementation ClassB
- (void)doSmth {
NSLog(@"classB - doSmth");
I know, it's because of "message" nature of methods in Obj-C, and at runtime class possibly do not know which of it's methods are private or public, but here's the question:
How can i make really private method? I heard that with decompiling it's possible to see methods names, so someone can just use my private API. How can i prevent it?
The runtime cannot call what it never knows about. The approach I typically take is to use a static
@interface MONObject : NSObject
// ...
// 'private' methods and ivars are also visible here
@interface MONObject()
// ...
// typically here:
static void fn(MONObject * const self) {
NSLog(@"%@", [self description]);
@implementation MONObject
// ...
// sometimes here:
static void fn2(MONObject * const self) {
NSLog(@"%@", [self description]);