Search code examples

Ignore the slash in Magento <url>

I’ve created a menu in page.xml and it looks like this:

<reference name="">
<action method="addLink" translate="label title">

The class used for the block is extending the Mage_Page_Block_Template_Links class from Magento’s core.

The problem is, that when I click this link it goes to ‘’ which is not working. My question is what should I do in order to stop the last ‘/’ from showing in the url?


  • I think that <prepare>1</prepare> is building your URL query (in the absence of a dedicated helper to supply the URL) and as a result is prefixing your URL with the domain (which is what you want), but it is also appending a trailing slash (which is what you don't want)

    1. Either create a helper to supply the "proper" URL.
    2. If the page is a Magento CMS page, use that helper (preferred)
    3. Use <prepare/> and <url>/test.html</url> (hack alert!)

    To use a Magento CMS helper to add a link

    <action method="addLink" translate="label title before_text" module="cms">
      <url helper="cms/page/getPageUrl">