I am using drupal 7. First please refer my screen shot to get what i am talking about. http://www.karya.gisla.in/scr.png
Lets say my content type is article. when we create a article, for authenticated users, the node displayes primary tabs namely : View and Edit. I just want to change/edit it to say :View Article and Edit Article.
Note: Just for a specific content type only. i.e other content type say Page will display as default : View and Edit.
Any ideas how to achieve this.
Any help will be appreciated.
The following code does the trick. Paste it in your themes template.php and change YOURTHEMENAME to... your theme's name. maybe use dpm($vars) in this function to have a look which kinds of information in $vars is. This should help you getting to the point even faster next time.
[EDIT:] Thanks Ben for pointing that out! Here's an updated version:
function YOURTHEMENAME_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
if ($vars['node']->type == 'article') {
foreach($vars['tabs']['#primary'] AS $index => $tab) {
if($tab['#link']['title'] == t('View')) {
$vars['tabs']['#primary'][$index]['#link']['title'] = t('View Article');
if($tab['#link']['title'] == t('Edit')) {
$vars['tabs']['#primary'][$index]['#link']['title'] = t('Edit Article');
Have fun, Martin